Permission to be curious

Let’s talk about being curious…about the limits we set on our curiosity…the limits we place on our willingness to believe something outside the mainstream and how that helps, hurts or holds us back. 

Welcome to my podcast, You Have Permission, my name is Lisa Gulland-Nelson.

So, being curious - how important is it? I mean really, who has time to be curious. And who cares? 

So, what are the possibilities that our minds, programming have prevented us from seeing, imagining…and creating.

Well, let take UFO’s and ET’s for example. It’s great timing because on (date) it was #UFODay. According to Axios…in a poll released by Pew about a year ago reveals 

"About 65% of respondents said they think there is intelligent alien life on planets other than Earth, and about 87% said UFOs aren't a security threat to the U.S. at all or only represent a minor one, Pew found."

"Some segments of the public are more likely than others to believe that intelligent life exists on other planets," Pew wrote in a release. "This view is especially pronounced among younger Americans. About three-quarters (76%) of adults under age 30 say intelligent life exists on other planets, versus 57% of those 50 and older."

 Determining how many stars are in the Milky Way galaxy alone is a complicated process, but according to scientists at the European Space Agency,* there are between 100 to 400 billion stars. And the Milky Way galaxy is smaller than others. Other larger galaxies have trillions of stars*.

 According to some reports, there could be as many as six billion earth-like planets just in the Milky Way.* That leaves a lot of possibility for life beyond our planet and that’s just in our tiny galaxy. 

 So, when you consider the vastness of the universe, the idea of life on other planets seems pretty plausible. 

 How about our soul’s journey? Are you curious about that? How far can you allow your curiosity to go? What kind of evidence is plausible, believable to you?

How about our own possibilities? What can we reimagine, be curious about with gentle, non-judgmental open curiosity? And can we allow that new perspective to birth a more magical life?

 I invite you to set your intention to be more curious, more open to the unknown, the impossible, the beautiful mysteries that are becoming possible.

 And before you go, grab the self-care Bingo I’ve created. Because when we take care of ourselves, fill up our cup, we have more room to be open and curious. It’s important to take care of our mind, body and spirit so we can follow the path to our biggest life. And we start with little habits that over time, make a big difference. So grab the FREE bingo for a fun and winning formula for overall abundance.  







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